Add-on products

Milestone has developed add-on products that fully integrate with XProtect to give you extra functionality. Access to add-on products are controlled by your software license code (SLC).

XProtect Smart Wall (explained)

Available functionality depends on the system you are using. See for more information.

XProtect Smart Wall is an advanced add-on tool that enables organizations to create video walls that meet their specific security demands. Smart Wall provides an overview of all the video data in the VMSClosedShort for "Video Management Software". system and can be shared between multiple operators.

With XProtect Smart Wall, operators can share almost any type of content available in XProtect Smart Client, for example video, images, text, alarms, and smart maps.

Initially, XProtect Smart Wall is configured by a system administrator in XProtect Management Client. This includes presets that control the layout of the Smart Wall and how cameras are distributed across the different monitors. In XProtect Smart Client, operators can change what is being displayed on the Smart Wall by applying different presets. Display changes can also be controlled by rules that automatically change the presets.

With the Smart Wall overview, operators can add specific content or whole views to Smart Wall monitors through simple drag-and-drop operations. For more information, see Smart Wall overview (explained).

XProtect Access (explained)

You can use XProtect Access with access control systems from vendors where a vendor-specific plug-in for XProtect Access exists.

XProtect Access integrates events from one or more access control systems with the features of the XProtect video management software. The incidents from an access control system generates events in the XProtect system.

  • On the Live tab, you can monitor access control events in real time from the cameras associated with a door. In setup mode, you can customize your Access Monitor view items with overlay buttons. In a map view item you can drag access control units onto the map
  • On the Access Control tab, you can view and investigate events, door states, or cardholders. You can search or filter on events and review any related footage. You can create a report of the events for exporting
  • When a person requests access and if your system is configured for it, a separate notification pops up with a list of related information next to the camera feed. You can trigger access control commands, such as locking and unlocking of doors. Available commands depend on your system configuration

XProtect LPR (explained)

On the LPR tab, you can investigate LPR events from all your LPR cameras, and view the associated video recordings and license plate recognition data. Keep match lists updated and create reports.

The tab includes an LPR event list, and an LPR camera preview for previewing video associated with individual LPR events. Below the preview, information about the license plate appears together with details from the license plate match list it is associated with.

You can filter the event list according to the period, country module, LPR camera, or license plate match list. Use the Search field to search for a particular license plate number. By default, this list shows LPR events from the last hour.

You can specify and export a report of relevant events as PDF.

You can make updates to the existing match lists by using the License Plate Match List function.

XProtect Transact (explained)

XProtect Transact is an add-on to Milestone's IP video surveillance solutions that lets you observe ongoing transactions and investigating transactions in the past. The transactions are linked with the digital surveillance video monitoring the transactions, for example to help you prove fraud or provide evidence against a perpetrator. There is a 1-to-1 relationship between the transaction lines and video images.

The transaction data may originate from different types of transaction sources, typically point of sales (PoS) systems or automated teller machines (ATM). When selecting a transaction line, a video still frame from each of the associated cameras is displayed in a video previewer that allows you to review the recordings. Below the video previewer, the transaction associated with the selected line is displayed as a receipt.