Use preset positions from the camera (type 2)

As an alternative to specifying preset positions in the system, you can specify preset positions for some PTZ cameras on the camera itself. You can typically do this by accessing a product-specific configuration web page.

  1. In the Site Navigation pane, select Devices and then select Cameras.
  2. Select the relevant PTZ camera in the Overview pane.
  3. On the Presets tab, select Use presets from device to import the presets into the system.

    Any presets you have previously defined for the camera are deleted and affect any defined rules and patrolling schedules as well as remove the presets available for the XProtect Smart Client users.

  4. Click Delete to delete presets that your users do not need.
  5. Click Edit if you want to change the display name of the preset (see Rename a preset position (type 2 only)).
  6. If you later want to edit such device-defined presets, edit on the camera and then re-import.