Export an incident project

Incident projects and sequences are automatically deleted when the retention times for them have been reached. Therefore, if you need the video evidence for a longer period, export the projects before the retention times expire.

When you send an incident project for export, all sequences from the incident project are inserted into the Export list on the Exports tab. You can use all the settings available on the Export tab when exporting the sequences from the incident project.

See also Export settings.

To export sequences added to an incident project:

  1. Select the Incidents tab.

  2. Select the incident project you want to export.

  3. Select Send for export.

    The Export tab is shown, and all sequences from the incident project are added to the Export list.

  4. Select the preferred format and other settings for your export.

See also Exporting video evidence.

When saving or sharing your export, you would typically also save or share a report with all the textual information added to the same incident project.