Create a report with incident project information

You can create a report with all the textual information added to an incident project.

Incident projects are automatically deleted when the retention time for them has been reached. Therefore, if you need to keep the textual information in incident projects as evidence for a longer period, you must generate a report before the retention time expires.

When the report is created, you can print and save it. You can send the report to colleagues, the police, or others together with an export of the incident project. An export contains the sequences added to the incident project.

  1. Select the Incidents tab.

  2. Select the incident project from which you want to generate a report.

  3. Select Create report.

  4. By default, all user names are hidden in the report. Select Show user names to see the names.

  5. To print or save the report, select Print.

    The setting of Show user names determines whether user names are hidden or shown in the printed or saved report.