Appendix: On-the-spot notice

On-the-spot notices should include a pictogram (for example, the ISO pictogram or the pictogram customarily used where the building is located. The pictogram must also be understandable for children. You can find this, for example, on the ISO graphical symbols page ( The notice must:

  • Identify the data controller
  • Specify the purpose of the surveillance:
    • For public bodies to perform their tasks

    • To exercise the right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access

    • To safeguard legitimate interests for specifically defined purposes

  • Clearly mention if the images are recorded
  • Provide contact information and a link to the online Video Surveillance Policy
  • If any area outside the buildings is under surveillance, this should be clearly stated

Security staff and reception must be trained on the data protection aspects of video surveillance practices and must be able to make copies of the detailed data protection notice (see Appendix: Video Surveillance Policy), available upon request. They must also be able to tell members of the public whom to contact with additional questions or to access their data.

The signs must be placed at such locations and be large enough that data subjects can notice them before entering the monitored zone and can read them without difficulty. This does not mean that a notice must be placed next to every single camera.

The signs within the buildings must be in the language (or languages) generally understood by staff members and most frequent visitors. Signs outside the buildings (if any areas outside are monitored) must also be posted in the local language (or languages).

For a sample template of an on-the-spot notice, see the Milestone On-the-spot notice template.