Cost considerations

AWS and third-party services are priced independently of your Milestone XProtect license. These costs should be part of your considerations when you design your VMS and network.

After you deploy, you can modify the architecture with additional AWS and third-party services.

Costs associated with AWS services also vary, depending on the region you have selected. For more information about how AWS charges for usage and services used by XProtect on AWS, see the XProtect on AWS Pricing Calculator.

Required AWS services


Cost considerations

Amazon EC2

Hosts the operating system and the VMS.

The cost is based on the data transfer out from the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), often referred to as data egress. The cost depeneds on the number of cameras in the system, their resolution and frame rate, and the degree of server-side motion detection.

Amazon EBS

Used for storing the operating system, the VMS components, and the media database.

The cost is based on the volume sizes.

Amazon VPC

Hosts the VMS infrastructure.

There is no additional charge for creating and using an Amazon VPC itself, you can pay for Amazon Web Services solutions, such as Amazon EC2, and optional VPC capabilities.

Optional Amazon and third-party services


Cost considerations

Amazon FSx

Used for video archiving.

The cost is based on the type of storage, throughput capacity, and backup storage. See FSx for Windows File Server storage .

Surveillance Bridge by Tiger Surveillance

Moves video recordings from an EBS block storage to an S3 bucket and provides disaster recovery for the media database.

Requires a separate license. See Surveillance Bridge

Amazon S3 (used by Surveillance Bridge)

Surveillance Bridge stores video archives in S3 buckets.

The cost is based on storage size, period, and class.

AWS Site-to-Site VPN

Used for connecting the deployed VPC to your network topology.

The cost is calculated per VPN connection.

AWS Direct Connect

Used for connecting the deployed VPC to your network topology.

The cost is based on port hours and capacity.

Amazon AppStream 2.0

Used for connecting the deployed VPC to your network topology.

The cost is based on the type of operation and usage patterns, most significantly on the number of users and the duration of usage. No charge for data egress.

Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS is a fully-managed database service. Amazon RDS manages backups, software patching, automatic failure detection, and recovery.

The cost is based on the per DB instance-hour consumed and used storage.

After you deploy, you can add additional AWS and third-party services to extend your cloud architecture.