Surveillance Bridge
Surveillance Bridge is a plug-in by Tiger Surveillance that allows you to transition recordings from the Media database EBS volume to any S3 class while maintaining direct access to the recordings.
Surveillance Bridge allows you to select between different S3 classes and copy data from one S3 class to another (for example, from S3 Standard class to S3 Glacier Deep Archive).
It also provides disaster recovery for the Media Database volume.
You can select to install the Surveillance Bridge plug-in when you create the XProtect BYOL CloudFormation stack. The plug-in activates automatically when the stack is created. You have 30 days to test the product. To use the product afterward, you need to purchase a license from your Milestone reseller.
You can manage your storage from XProtect Management Client from the Surveillance Bridge node.
For more information about the Surveillance Bridge plug-in, see