Smart Wall (Client node)

Smart Wall properties

Info tab

On the Info tab for a Smart Wall, you can add and edit Smart Wall properties.




The name of the Smart Wall. Displayed in XProtect Smart Client as the Smart Wall view group name.


A description of the Smart Wall. The description is only used internally in XProtect Management Client.

Status text

Display camera and system status information across the layout items of cameras on the video wall.

No title bar

Hide the title bar on all layout items on the video wall.

Title bar

Show the title bar on all layout items on the video wall.

Title bar with live indicator

Display live and motion indicators on the title bar of all layout items on the video wall.

Presets tab

On the Presets tab for a Smart Wall, you can add and edit Smart Wall presets.



Add New

Add a preset to your Smart Wall.

Enter a name and description for the preset.


Edit the name or description of a preset.


Delete a preset.


Display the preset on the video wall. You must create rules with the preset before the system can automatically trigger the display of the preset. See also Create rules with Smart Wall presets.

Layout tab

On the Layout tab for a Smart Wall, you position the monitors in your Smart Wall so their positions resemble the mounting of the physical monitors on the video wall. The layout is also used in XProtect Smart Client.




Adjust the positioning of the monitors.


To move a monitor to a new position, select the monitor and drag it to the desired position, or click one of the arrow buttons to move the monitor in the selected direction.

Zoom buttons

Zoom in or out of the Smart Wall layout preview to ensure you position the monitors correctly.


The name of the monitor. The name is displayed in XProtect Smart Client.


The size of the physical monitor on the video wall.

Aspect ratio

The height/width relationship of the physical monitor on the video wall.

Monitor properties

Info tab

On the Info tab for a monitor in a Smart Wall preset, you can add monitors and edit the monitor settings.




The name of the monitor. The name is displayed in XProtect Smart Client.


A description of the monitor. The description is only used internally in the XProtect Management Client.


The size of the physical monitor on the video wall.

Aspect ratio

The height/width relationship of the physical monitor on the video wall.

Empty preset

Defines what should be displayed on a monitor with an empty preset layout when a new Smart Wall preset is triggered or selected in XProtect Smart Client:

  • Select Preserve to keep the current content on the monitor.
  • Select Clear to clear all content so nothing is displayed on the monitor.
Empty preset item

Defines what should be displayed in an empty preset layout item when a new Smart Wall preset is triggered or selected in XProtect Smart Client:

  • Select Preserve to keep the current content in the layout item.
  • Select Clear to clear the content so nothing is displayed in the layout item.
Element insertion

Defines how cameras are inserted in the monitor layout when viewed in the XProtect Smart Client:

  • Independent - only the content of the affected layout item changes, the rest of the content in the layout remain the same.

  • Linked - the contents of the layout items are pushed from left to right. If, for instance, a camera is inserted in position 1, the previous camera of position 1 is pushed to position 2, the previous camera of position 2 is pushed to position 3, and so on. llustrated in this example:

Presets tab

On the Presets tab for a monitor in a Smart Wall preset, you can edit the layout and content of the monitor in the selected Smart Wall preset.




A list of Smart Wall presets for the select Smart Wall.


Click Edit to edit the layout and the content of the selected monitor.

Double-click a camera to remove a single camera.

Click Clear to define a new layout or to exclude the monitor in the Smart Wall preset so the monitor is available for other content not controlled by the Smart Wall preset.

Click to select the layout you want to use with your monitor in the selected preset, and click OK.