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Group failover recording servers for cold standby
Select Servers > Failover Servers. This opens a list of installed failover recording servers and failover groups.
In the Overview pane, right-click the top-node Failover Groups and select Add Group.
Specify a name (in this example Failover Group 1) for and a description (optional) of your new group. Click OK.
Right-click the group (Failover Group 1) you just created. Select Edit Group Members. This opens the Select Group Members window.
Drag and drop or use the buttons to move the selected failover recording server(s) from the left side to the right side. Click OK. The selected failover recording server(s) now belongs to the group (Failover Group 1) you just created.
Go to the Sequence tab. Click Up and Down to set the internal sequence of the regular failover recordings servers in the group.
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