Configure the Management Server service as a generic service in the failover cluster
Descriptions and illustrations might differ from what you see on your screen.
- On the last server on which you have installed the management server, go to Start > Administrative Tools, open Windows' Failover Cluster Management. In the Failover Cluster Management window, expand your cluster, right-click Roles, and select Configure Role.
- In the High Availability Wizard, select Next.
- On the Select Role page, select Generic Service and click Next.
- On the Select Service page, select the Milestone XProtect Management Server service and click Next.
- On the Client Access Point page, specify the name (host name of the cluster) that clients will use when accessing the service. The host name must be different from the name of the cluster. Click Next.
- On the Select Storage page, click Next as no storage is required for the service.
- On the Replicate Registry Settings page, click Next as no registry settings are to be replicated.
- On the Confirmation page, click Next after you have verified that the cluster service is configured according to your requirements.
- On the Configure High Availability page, click Next.
- On the Summary page, click Finish to complete configuration of the management server as a generic service in the failover cluster.
- Right-click the role you just created and click Add resource > Generic Script. Select Milestone XProtect Event Server to add the Milestone XProtect Event Server service as a resource to the Milestone XProtect Management Server Cluster service.
- Repeat step 11 and add all required services in the cluster, for example the Log Server. The Milestone XProtect Event Server and the Data Collector server should both be added as services to achieve an optimal deployment. Additionally, the Milestone XProtect Event Server should be set as a dependent service of the management server to ensure the event server also will stop when the management server is stopped.
- All added services are displayed in the bottom pane of the window.
Update the cluster URL
Lorsque vous effectuez des changements dans la configuration, sur le gestionnaire du cluster de basculement de Microsoft, mettez en pause le contrôle et la surveillance du service afin que le Server Configurator puisse effectuer les changements et démarrer et/ou arrêter le service Management Server. En cas de modification du type de démarrage du service du cluster de basculement au type manuel, ceci ne devrait pas interférer avecle Server Configurator.
Sur l'ordinateur Management Server :
- Démarrez le Server Configurator sur tous les ordinateurs où est installé un serveur de gestion.
- Rendez-vous sur la page Enregistrement.
- Cliquez sur le symbole du stylo (
) pour modifier l'adresse du serveur de gestion.
- Modifiez l’adresse du serveur de gestion pour qu’elle corresponde au nom du rôle de cluster hébergeant le Management Server, par exemple http://MyCluster.
- Cliquez sur Enregistrer.
Sur les ordinateurs où sont installés les composants qui utilisent le Management Server (par exemple, Recording Server, Mobile Server, Event Server
- Démarrez Server Configurator sur tous les ordinateurs.
- Rendez-vous sur la page Enregistrement.
- Modifiez l’adresse du serveur de gestion pour qu’elle corresponde au nom du rôle de cluster hébergeant le Management Server, par exemple http://MyCluster.
- Cliquez sur Enregistrer.