In a VMS, a key function is the ability to efficiently, reliably and securely record and store real-time video, audio and metadata from the connected cameras, microphones, speakers and metadata sources.
The Milestone XProtect VMS products offer the world’s best performing recording server capable of recording at least up to 3.1 Gigabit/s from several hundred cameras.
The recording server’s media database supports all standard disk and storage technologies known from the IT industry and provides the freedom to design and use any type of storage system and architecture. The storage systems and architecture options range from recording to a single SATA drive in a PC to recording to large redundant storage systems with multiple archives and usage of network attached storage.
The recording server’s media database offers secure handling of the recorded media by supporting encryption and digital signing of the media stored in the database. Furthermore, it supports protecting recorded media for periods extending the standard retention time by using Evidence Lock.
Throughout this white paper, the products listed below are jointly referred to as “XProtect VMS”:
XProtect Corporate
XProtect Expert
XProtect Professional+
XProtect Express+