Milestone Interconnect is a unique concept that allows all of Milestone’s video management software (VMS) products to be interconnected with Milestone’s premium VMS XProtect Corporate. This allows the design of large-scale and geographically dispersed video surveillance installations, where each independent surveillance site can be designed with the required functionality and cost in mind, while still offering the benefits of a centralized surveillance installation.
In some respects, Milestone Interconnect is similar to Milestone Federated Architecture. However, the way the different sites communicate is different, and Milestone Interconnect supports a wider selection of Milestone’s VMS products and offers several additional features:
Support for using low-end XProtect products on dedicated hardware, for instance in vehicles
Cost-efficient deployment by interconnecting Milestone products designed for the small and midsize business (SMB) market
Retrieval of video, audio, and metadata recordings from interconnected sites to the central XProtect Corporate site, including over intermittent network connections
Direct playback of the remote site’s recording
Scheduled, event, user-activated or automatic retrieval of remote site recordings to the central XProtect Corporate site
Support for Scalable Video Quality Recording (SVQR)
Short and consistent client login times regardless of the number of interconnected sites, remote site response time, or network connection state
Full XProtect Corporate camera rights for the interconnected cameras
Due to its unique features, Milestone Interconnect is suited especially for specific verticals such as:
Retail chains
Companies offering surveillance services
City surveillance