User interface details

The failover web console consists of two main tabs:

You can view and manage the nodes on both tabs from the Cluster Configuration panel.

Cluster options

The control panel consists of four columns:

Node actions

Node actions menu shows the options to change the state of a node:



Start Start a node.
Stop Stop a node.
Restart Restart a node.
Swap Swap the states of the nodes.
Expert Stop and start a node, swap without data sync, force start or estimate the data sync.
Admin Configure boot start, suspend or resume the error detection of module processes, start or stop all checkers, and set failover to on or off.
Support Save logs, dumps, or snapshots for troubleshooting.


Nodes are the members of the failover cluster. node1 corresponds to the computer you selected as the primary computer, while node2 corresponds to the computer you selected as the secondary computer.

Node states

The node state column shows the current state of a node:



PRIM The data replicates from this node.
SECOND The data replicates to this node.
ALONE No data replication. The node acts as a single unit.
STOP The node stopped, and no redundancy is available.
WAIT (Transient) The node is starting up (magenta) or waiting for the availability of a resource (red).


A color indicates if the node is available:



Green The node is available.
Magenta The node status is transient.
Red The node is unavailable.

Data synchronization status

The node data synchronization status column shows the current data synchronization status of a node. The column is not available when the failover cluster is connected to external SQL Server.



uptodate The replicated files are up-to-date.
not uptodate The replicated files are not up-to-date.
connection error Cannot connect to the node.
not configured The configuration is missing from the node.