Remove the existing failover cluster configuration

Remove your failover cluster configuration when you make changes in your VMS configuration, for example when you change the location of a SQL Server database or the system configuration password.

To remove the failover cluster configuration successfully and make sure the work of the VMS users is restored:

  • Use a Windows user that has administrative permissions for XProtect.

  • Replace the virtual IP address with the address of the running management server on all clients and remote servers.

  • If you have installed a recordings server or failover recording server on any node, you must stop the Recording Server service on that node.

  • If you use external SQL Server and want to remove your configuration, see Removing the failover cluster configuration when connected to an external SQL Server instance.

The wizard does not remove the XProtect Management Server Failover license, the SQL Server databases, and the server certificate.

To remove the existing failover cluster configuration:

  1. On Node 2, in the notification area, right-click the Management Server Manager tray icon.

  2. Select Configure Failover Management Server.

  3. Select Remove existing configuration and then Continue. The wizard removes the failover management server configuration from the computer.

  4. Select Close to exit the wizard. Wait for the Management Server service to start.

    (When in a workgroup environment) If the Management Server service does not start automatically, register the management server with the local address from the management server's Server Configurator.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 on Node 1.