Install XProtect Management Server Failover
The XProtect Management Server Failover component is part of the XProtect installer. You can install it with a new VMS installation or add it later.
To set up a failover cluster, you must install the XProtect Management Server Failover component on two separate computers, referred to as nodes.
Install XProtect Management Server Failover with a new VMS installation
Follow the steps for Custom installation and select XProtect Management Server Failover as a component you want to install.
Add the XProtect Management Server Failover component to an existing VMS installation
Open Add or remove programs on Windows and select Milestone.
Select Modify to launch the Milestone XProtect VMS wizard.
On the Uninstall or change Milestone XProtect VMS components, select Change one or more Milestone XProtect VMS components. Select Continue.
Select XProtect Management Server Failover. Select Continue to install the component.
When the installation is complete, the list displays the installed components.
To continue with the cluster configuration, see Configure the failover cluster