DNS lookups

For successful failover cluster configuration, Milestone recommends that you run DNS queries in Windows PowerShell:

  • Use forward DNS lookup to obtain an IP address by searching the domain

  • Use reverse DNS lookup to obtain the host name that is related to an IP address

To make sure that the IP addresses and the host names of the nodes are resolved as expected, you must perform the queries on Node 1 and Node 2:

Query name


Perform on

Expected result
Forward DNS lookup Resolve-DnsName [Node 2 host name] Node 1 The host name of Node 2 corresponds to the first IP address on the list.
Forward DNS lookup Resolve-DnsName [Node 1 host name] Node 2 The host name of Node 1 corresponds to the first IP address on the list.
Reverse DNS lookup Resolve-DnsName [Node 2 IP address] Node 1 The IP address of Node 2 corresponds to the first host name on the list.
Reverse DNS lookup Resolve-DnsName [Node 1 IP address] Node 2 The IP address of Node 1 corresponds to the first host name on the list.