Accessing logs and investigations
The Mobile Server Manager lets you quickly access the log file of the day, open the folder where log files are saved, and open the folder where investigations are saved.
To open any one of these, right-click the Mobile Server Manager icon and select:
- Open today's log file
- Open Log folder
- Open Investigation folder
Audit logs are created for every action that is not already logged by the Management Server or the Recording Server.
The following actions are always logged (even when extended audit logging is not enabled):
All administration (these audit log messages contain the old value and the new value)
All actions regarding creating, editing or deleting investigations as well as preparation and download of exported material, changing relevant pieces of the configuration. The audit log contains details about what has been done.
Video push streaming is logged only when extended audit logging is enabled.
If you uninstall the XProtect Mobile server from your system, its log files are not deleted. Administrators with proper user permissions can access these log files at a later time or decide to delete them if they are not needed any longer. The default location of the log files is in the ProgramData folder. If you change the default location of log files, existing logs are not copied to the new location, nor are they deleted.