View the current state of your hardware and troubleshoot if needed

On the System monitor dashboard, you can easily get an overview of your VMS system's well-being. The state of your hardware is visually represented by tiles and their colors: green (running), yellow (warning), and red (critical). The tiles can also have error or warning icons when one or more hardware pieces in a faulty state.

You can edit the thresholds for when your hardware is in one of the three states. For more information, see Edit thresholds for when hardware states should change.

The System monitor dashboard answers questions like: Are all server services and cameras running? Are the CPU usage and available memory on the different servers sufficient so everything is recorded and available for viewing?

  1. In the Site Navigation pane, select System Dashboard > System Monitor.

  2. If all tiles are green and without warning or error icons, all monitoring parameters and all servers and cameras represented by the tiles are fine and running.
    If one or more tiles have a warning or error icon or are completely yellow or red, select one of these tiles to troubleshoot.

  3. In the hardware list with monitoring parameters (bottom of the window), find the hardware that is not running. Place your mouse over the red cross sign next to the hardware to read what the problem is.

  4. Optionally, select Details to the right side of the hardware to see how long the problem has been there. Enable the collections of historical data to see the state of your hardware over time. For more information, see Collect historical data of hardware states.

  5. Find a way to fix the problem. For example, computer restart, server service restart, replacement of a faulty hardware piece or other.