View currently ongoing tasks on recording servers

The Current Tasks window shows an overview of ongoing tasks under a selected recording server. If you have initiated a task that takes a long time and runs in the background, you can open the Current Tasks window to see how the task progresses. A few examples of lengthy user-initiated tasks are firmware updates and movement of hardware. You can see information about the task's start-time, estimated end-time, and progress.

If the task is not progressing as expected, you can probably find the cause in your hardware or network. A few examples are server not running, server error, too little bandwidth, or connection loss.

  1. In the Site Navigation pane, select the System Dashboard > Current Tasks.

  2. Select a recording server to see its current tasks.

The information shown in the Current Tasks window is not dynamically updated but is a snapshot of the current tasks from the moment you opened the window. If you have had the window open for some time, refresh the information by selecting the Refresh button in the lower right corner of the window.