Save and retrieve remote recording

To ensure that all remote recordings are saved in case of network issues, you can enable automatic retrieval of recordings once connection is re-established.

  1. In the Site Navigation pane, select Devices.
  2. Select the relevant device in the Overview pane.
  3. Under Remote recordings, select Automatically retrieve remote recordings when connection is restored. This enables automatic retrieval of recordings once connection is re-established

The remote recording option is only available if the selected camera supports edge storage or is a camera in a Milestone Interconnect setup.

The type of hardware selected determines where recordings are retrieved from:

  • For a camera with local recording storage, recordings are retrieved from the camera's local recording storage
  • For a Milestone Interconnect remote system, recordings are retrieved from the remote systems' recording servers

You can use the following functionality independently of the automatic retrieval:

  • Manual recording
  • The Retrieve and store remote recordings from <devices> rule
  • The Retrieve and store remote recordings between <start and end time> from <devices> rule