Relay outputs

The ONVIF driver supports activation of the Relay Outputs of an ONVIF device. The Relay Outputs can be activated manually or by a rule.

The ONVIF driver allows the user to configure the output by setting the Trigger Time and Idle State.

The ONVIF driver controls the mode (Bistable or Monostable) based on the requested action, support from device and Trigger Time.

There are two ways the ONVIF driver can activate an output of an ONVIF device:

  1. Trigger – short term activation and then deactivation of the output. Usually controlled by the device, if it supports Monostable mode. The idea here is for ONVIF driver to activate the output and set the activation time and then the device to deactivate itself after the time has passed. One example of such usage is triggering opening of a door. When specific event happens, the ONVIF driver activates the output, the door unlocks and after the set timeout passes (2-3 seconds) the ONVIF device deactivates the output itself and the door locks again. If the ONVIF device does not support Monostable mode, the ONVIF driver will try to simulate this by using Bistable mode and sending both an activation and deactivation command. The timeout between activation and deactivation is controlled by the “Output Trigger Time (msec)” setting of the Output.

  2. Activate – long term activation and deactivation of the output. This is activation of the output without a specified timeout. On event the ONVIF driver activates the output and then on another event it deactivates the output. For this type, Bistable mode is used. One example of such usage is starting an alarm speaker.

Setting name

Possible values

Value taken from device

Default value

Idle output state

Open, Closed


Output Trigger Time (msec)




The checkbox and button in the Preview section of the Output can be used to test both modes of operation. The button starts Trigger mode, and the checkbox activates the output on check and deactivates the output on un-check. The green dot shows the current state of the output.