Create the XProtect BYOL CloudFormation stack
To create a stack, you must subscribe to XProtect BYOL. See Subscribe to XProtect in AWS Marketplace.
After you have subscribed to XProtect BYOL in AWS Marketplace, you can create the XProtect BYOL CloudFormation stack.
Use the CloudFormation service role that you created with the necessary permissions for creating and deploying your XProtect stack. See Create a role with the permissions to deploy and manage XProtect VMS.
In the AWS Management Console, you find roles on the Identity and Access Management (IAM) page -> Roles tab.
To launch the CloudFormation console:
Go to and select your XProtect subscription. Then, select Launch CloudFormation stack.
On the Configure this software page, select your region. Then, select Continue to Launch.
On the Launch this software page, under Choose Action, select Launch CloudFormation. Then, select Launch to open the AWS CloudFormation console.
You are now ready to create the stack. The process consists of four steps:
In the Create Stack step, select Next to continue.
In the Specify Stack Details step, you configure the XProtect VMS and network settings. See Stack details. Select Next to continue.
In the Configure Stack Options step, you configure any additional options and permissions.
If you have selected to install Surveillance Bridge, you must allow AWS CloudFormation to connect and manage the S3 bucket. In Capabilities, select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
Select Next to continue.
In the Review step, you verify your configuration. Select Submit to create the stack.
Deploying the XProtect BYOL CloudFormation stack takes about 30 minutes.