Default tabs
XProtect Smart Client comes with a set of default tabs for your daily tasks.
Some of the XProtect extensions have tabs that are specific to their functionality.
Some tabs may be custom-made through the MIP SDK and specific to your XProtect VMS system. This document doesn’t cover functionality that depends on MIP SDK.
If you can’t see some of the default tabs, you don’t have the permissions required to access them.

You can create as many tabs with views as you want in XProtect Smart Client’s main window and in detached windows. Tabs with views are named after the selected view.
In live mode, you can view live video feeds, and work with audio, carousels, hotspots, Matrix, Smart Map, pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) control, digital zoom, independent playback, and more.
In playback mode, you can investigate recorded video by playing it back. The main timeline gives you advanced features for browsing recorded video. You can also start searching from any camera or view, and document what you find by exporting evidence. To protect evidence from being deleted from the database, you can add evidence locks to your recorded video.
Additionally, you can:
Listen to audio when connected to selected XProtect VMS systems
If your XProtect VMS product supports Smart Map, you can access the cameras added to your XProtect VMS system in a geographical interface
Use hotspots, digital zoom, or carousels, print images, and more
From live or playback mode, you can enter setup mode, where you can set up views for your cameras and other types of content.

When you want to export video data, you add the relevant sequences to the Export list. For each sequence in the Export list, you can change the time span by selecting Start time and End time.
You can choose which formats to use for the export, and for each format, you can change the Export settings.
After you select Export, you specify an Export name and an Export destination. Then, you can create the export.
The exports that you create are stored in the folder that you specified in the Create export window > Export destination field.

On the Search tab you can search through all your recordings and apply filters to refine your search. For example, you can use filters to find vehicles, people, or recordings with motion detected in specific areas.
From the search results, multiple actions are available.

On the Alarm Manager tab, you can view and respond to incidents or technical problems that have triggered an alarm. The tab displays an alarms list, an alarms preview, and any available maps.

The color-coded tiles on the System Monitor tab provide an overview of the current state of the computer running XProtect Smart Client, your system servers, cameras, and additional devices.
Green: Normal state. Everything is running normally
Yellow: Warning state. At least one monitoring parameter is above the defined value for the Normal state
Red: Critical state. At least one monitoring parameter is above the defined value for the Normal and Warning state
If a tile changes color and you want to identify the server or parameter that caused the change, select the tile. This opens an overview at the bottom of the screen. Select Details for information about why the state changed.
If a tile displays a warning sign, a data collector for one of your monitored servers or cameras may not be running. If you place your mouse above the tile, the system shows you when it last collected data for the relevant tile.