Hotspots (configuration)

Before you can use the hotspotClosedA particular position for viewing magnified and/or high quality camera images in XProtect Smart Client views., you must:

  1. Add the hotspot to a view. See Add hotspots to views.
  2. Specify the hotspot settings. See Hotspot settings.

Add hotspots to views

If your view contains a hotspot, and you click a camera, the video feed from the camera is displayed in a high resolution in the hotspotClosedA particular position for viewing magnified and/or high quality camera images in XProtect Smart Client views. view item.


  1. Click Setup to enter setup mode.
  2. In the System overview pane, click and drag the Hotspot item to the required view item in the view. The view item displays a hotspot icon: .
  3. Click Setup again to exit the setup mode.
  4. (optional) To set the properties for the hotspot, in setup mode, go to the Properties pane.

To save bandwidth, you can specify a low image quality for the other view items in your view and a high quality for the hotspot.

Hotspot settings

In the Properties (see Camera settings) pane, you can specify the settings for the hotspotClosedA particular position for viewing magnified and/or high quality camera images in XProtect Smart Client views.. The Live stream, Image Quality, Frame Rate, and Maintain Image Aspect Ratio settings apply to all cameras in the hotspot.

To make the properties appear, you must select the view item and then click Setup.