Mobile server settings

In Management Client, you can configure and edit a list of XProtect Mobile server settings. You can access these settings on the bottom toolbar of the mobile server Properties section. From there, you can:

General tab

The following table describes the settings on this tab.




Server name

Enter the name of the XProtect Mobile server.


Enter an optional description of the XProtect Mobile server.

Mobile server

See the name of the currently selected XProtect Mobile server.


The following table describes how you control the availability of XProtect Mobile features.



Enable XProtect Web Client

Enable access to XProtect Web Client. This feature is enabled by default.

Enable the All cameras view for XProtect Mobile client

This view displays all the cameras that a user is allowed to view on a recording server. This feature is enabled by default.

Enable bookmarks Enable the bookmarks feature to quickly locate video sequences in XProtect Mobile client and XProtect Web Client. This feature is enabled by default.
Enable actions (outputs and events)

Enable access to actions in XProtect Mobile client and XProtect Web Client. This feature is enabled by default.

If you disable this feature, the client users are not able to see output and events, even if these are configured correctly.

Enable incoming audio Enable the incoming audio feature in XProtect Web Client and XProtect Mobile client. This feature is enabled by default.
Enable push-to-talk Enable the push-to-talk (PTT) feature in XProtect Web Client and XProtect Mobile client. This feature is enabled by default.
Deny the built-in Administrator role access to the XProtect Mobile server

Enable this to prevent users assigned to the built-in administrator role from accessing video on XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client.

Log settings

You can see the log settings information.



Log file location

See where the system saves log files.

Keep logs for

See the number of days to keep logs for. The default is three days.

Configuration backup

If your system has multiple XProtect Mobile servers, you can use the backup function to export the current settings and import them on other XProtect Mobile servers.




Import an XML file with a new XProtect Mobile server configuration.


Export your XProtect Mobile server configuration. Your system stores the configuration in an XML file.

Connectivity tab

Settings on the Connectivity tab are used in the following tasks:

For more information, see Smart Connect (explained).

You can configure how the XProtect Mobile client and XProtect Web Client users should connect to the XProtect Mobile server when you open the Server Configurator during installation or by right-clicking the Mobile Server Manager tray icon after installation. The connection type can either be HTTPS or HTTP. For more information, see Enable encryption on the mobile server.




Client timeout

Set a time frame for how often the XProtect Mobile client and XProtect Web Client must indicate to the XProtect Mobile server that they are up and running. The default value is 30 seconds.

Milestone recommends that you do not increase the time frame.

Enable UPnP- discoverability

This makes the XProtect Mobile server discoverable on the network by means of the UPnP protocols.

The XProtect Mobile client has scanning functionality for finding XProtect Mobile servers based on UPnP.

Enable automatic port mapping

When the XProtect Mobile server is installed behind the firewall, a port mapping is required in the router, so clients can still access the server from the internet.

The Enable automatic port mapping option enables the XProtect Mobile server to do this port mapping by itself, provided that the router is configured for it.

Enable Smart Connect

Smart Connect enables you to verify that you have configured the XProtect Mobile server correctly without logging in with a mobile device or a tablet to do the validation. It also simplifies the connection process for the client users.

Internet access



Configure custom internet access

Provide the IP address or hostname and the port number to use for the connection. For example, you might do this if your router does not support UPnP or if you have a chain of routers.

  • HTTP


Select the type of connection.
Select to retrieve IP address dynamically

Select the check box, if your IP addresses often change.

Use the configured URL address only Select the check box to connect to the mobile server with a custom-specified IP address or hostname only.
Server addresses

Lists all the URL addresses that are connected to the mobile server.

Smart Connect notification



Email invitation to

Enter the email address for the recipient of the Smart Connect notification.

Email language

Specify the language used in the email.

Smart Connect token

A unique identifier that users of mobile devices can use to connect to the XProtect Mobile server.

Link to Smart Connect

A link that users of mobile devices can use to connect to the XProtect Mobile server.

Server Status tab

See the status details for the XProtect Mobile server. The details are read-only:



Server active since

Shows the time and date when the XProtect Mobile server was last started.

CPU usage

Shows current CPU usage on the mobile server.

External bandwidth

Shows the current bandwidth in use between the XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client and the mobile server.

Active users

See the status details of the XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client currently connected to the XProtect Mobile server.



User Name

Shows the user name for each XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client user connected to the mobile server.


Shows the current relation between the XProtect Mobile server and the XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client user in question. Possible states are:

  • Connected: An initial state when the clients and the server exchange keys and encrypting credentials
  • Logged In: The XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client user is logged into the XProtect system
Video bandwidth usage (kB/s)

Shows the total bandwidth of the video streams that are currently open for each XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client user.

Audio bandwidth usage (kB/s) Shows the total bandwidth of the audio streams that are currently open for each XProtect Web Client user.
Transcoded video streams

Shows the total number of transcoded video streams that are currently open for each XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client user.

Direct video streams Shows the total number of direct video streams that are currently open for each XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client user (for XProtect Expert and XProtect Corporate only).
Transcoded audio streams Shows the total number of transcoded audio streams that are currently open for each XProtect Web Client user.

Performance tab

On the Performance tab, you can set the following settings and limitations on the XProtect Mobile server's performance:

Video streaming settings (for XProtect Expert and XProtect Corporate only)



Enable direct streaming Enable direct streaming in XProtect Web Client and XProtect Mobile client (for XProtect Expert and XProtect Corporate only). This feature is enabled by default.
Enable adaptive streaming Enable adaptive streaming in XProtect Web Client and XProtect Mobile client (for XProtect Expert and XProtect Corporate only). This feature is enabled by default.
Streaming modes

After you enable the adaptive streaming feature, you can select the type of the streaming mode from the list:

  • Optimize video quality (default) - selects the stream with the lowest available resolution that is equal to or higher than the requested resolution

  • Optimize server performance - reduces the requested resolution and then selects the stream with the lowest available resolution that is equal to or higher than the reduced request

  • Optimize resolution for low bandwidth - selects the stream with the lowest available resolution (recommended if you use 3G or an unstable network)

Transcoded video stream limitations

Level 1

Level 1 is the default limitation placed on the XProtect Mobile server. Any limitations that you set here are always applied to the XProtect Mobile's transcoded video streams.



Level 1

Select the check box to enable the first level of limitations to XProtect Mobile server performance.


Set a limit for the maximum number of frames per second (FPS) to send from the XProtect Mobile server to clients.

Max image resolution

Set a limit for the image resolution to send from the XProtect Mobile server to clients.

Level 2

If you want to enforce a different level of limitations than the default one in Level 1, select the Level 2 check box. You cannot set any settings higher than what you have set them to in the first level. If you, for example, set the Max FPS to 45 on Level 1, you can set the Max FPS on Level 2 only to 44 or below.



Level 2

Select the check box to enable the second level of limitations to XProtect Mobile server performance.

CPU threshold

Set a threshold for the CPU load on the XProtect Mobile server before the system enforces video stream limitations.

Bandwidth threshold

Set a threshold for bandwidth load on the XProtect Mobile server before the system enforces video stream limitations.


Set a limit for the maximum number of frames per second (FPS) to send from the XProtect Mobile server to clients.

Max image resolution

Set a limit for the image resolution to send from the XProtect Mobile server to clients.

Level 3

You can also select a Level 3 check box to create a third level for limitations. You cannot set any settings higher than what you have set them to in Level 1 and Level 2. If you, for example, set the Max FPS to 45 on Level 1 and to level 32 on Level 2, you can set the Max FPS on Level 3 only to 31 or less.



Level 3

Select the check box to enable the third level of limitations to XProtect Mobile server performance.

CPU threshold

Set a threshold for the CPU load on the XProtect Mobile server before the system enforces video stream limitations.

Bandwidth threshold

Set a threshold for bandwidth load on the XProtect Mobile server before the system enforces video stream limitations.


Set a limit for the frames per second (FPS) to send from the XProtect Mobile server to clients.

Max image resolution

Set a limit for the image resolution to send from the XProtect Mobile server to clients.

The system does not instantly switch from one level to another level. If your CPU or bandwidth threshold goes less than five percent above or below the indicated levels, the current level stays in use.

Investigations tab

Investigations settings

You can enable investigations so that people can use the XProtect Mobile client or XProtect Web Client to:

  • Access recorded video

  • Investigate incidents

  • Prepare and download video evidence



Enable investigations Select this check box to allow users to create investigations.
Investigations folder

Shows where your video exports are saved on your hard drive.

View investigations made by other users

Select this check box to allow users to access investigations that they did not create.

Enable the size limit of investigations folder

Select this check box to set a size limit on the investigations folder and enter the maximum number of megabytes that the investigations folder can contain. The default size is 2000 MB.

Enable the investigation retention time Select this check box to set a retention time for investigations. By default, the retention time is seven days.
Export formats

Select the check box of the export format that you want to use. The available export formats are:

  • AVI format
  • XProtect format
  • MKV format

By default, the check boxes are cleared.

Include timestamps for AVI exports

Select this check box to include the date and time that the AVI file was downloaded.

Used codec for AVI exports

Select the compression format to use when preparing AVI packages for download.

The codecs that you can choose from can differ depending on your operating system. If you do not see the codec you want, you can add it to the list by installing it on the computer where the XProtect Mobile server is running.

Used audio bit for AVI exports Select from the list the appropriate audio bit rate when audio is included in your video export. The default is 160000 Hz.





Lists the investigations that have been set up so far in the system. Use the Delete or Delete all buttons if you no longer want to keep an investigation. This can be useful if, for example, you want to make more disk space available on the server.

Investigation details

To delete individual video files that were exported for an investigation, but keeping the investigation, select the investigation in the list. In the Investigation details group, select the delete icon to the right of the XProtect, AVI, or MKV fields for exports.

Video Push tab

You can specify the following settings if you enable Video Push:



Video Push

Enable Video Push on the mobile server.

Number of channels

Shows the number of enabled Video Push channels in your XProtect system.


Shows the channel number for the relevant channel. Non-editable.


Port number for the relevant Video Push channel.

MAC Address

MAC address for the relevant Video Push channel.

User Name

Enter the user name associated with the relevant Video Push channel.

Camera Name

Shows the name of the camera if the camera has been identified.

Once you have completed all necessary steps (see Set up Video Push to stream video), select Find Cameras to search for the relevant camera.

Notifications tab

Use the Notifications tab to turn on or turn off system notifications and push notifications.

By default, notifications are disabled.

If you turn on notifications and have configured one or more alarms and events, XProtect Mobile notifies users when an event occurs. When the app is open, notifications are delivered in XProtect Mobile on the mobile device. Push notifications notify users who don't have the XProtect Mobile open. These notifications are delivered to the mobile device.

For more information, see: Enable sending push notifications to specific or all mobile devices

The following table describes the settings on this tab.




Select this check box to turn on notifications.

Maintain device registration

Select this check box to store information about the devices and users who connect to this server. The system sends notifications to these devices.

If you clear this check box, you also clear the list of devices. For users to start receiving notifications again, you must select the check box, and the users must connect their devices to the server again.

Registered devices




Select this check box to start sending notifications to the device.

Device Name

A list of the mobile devices that have connected to this server.

You can start or stop sending notifications to specific devices by selecting or clearing the Enabled check box.


Name of the user that will receive notifications.

Two-step verification tab

Available functionality depends on the system you are using. See the complete feature list, which is available on the product overview page on the Milestone website (

Use the Two-step verification tab to enable and specify an additional login step on users of:

  • XProtect Mobile app on their iOS or Android mobile devices
  • XProtect Web Client

The first type of verification is a password. The second type is a verification code, which you can configure to be sent to the user via email.

For more information, see Set up users for two-step verification via email.

The following tables describe the settings on this tab.

Provider settings > Email



SMTP server

Enter the IP address or host name of the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server for two-step verification emails.

SMTP server port

Specify the port of the SMTP server for sending emails.

The default port number is 25 without SSL and 465 with SSL.


Select this check box if your SMTP server supports SSL encryption.

User name

Specify the user name for logging in to the SMTP server.


Specify the password for logging in to the SMTP server.

Use Secure Password Authentication (SPA)

Select this check box if your SMTP server supports SPA.

Sender's email address

Specify the email address for sending verification codes.

Email subject

Specify the subject title for the email. Example: Your two-step verification code.

Email text

Enter the message you want to send. Example: Your code is {0}.

If you forget to include the {0} variable, the code is added at the end of the text by default.

Verification code settings



Reconnection timeout (0-30 minutes)

Specify the period within which XProtect Mobile client users do not have to reverify their login in case of, for example, a disconnected network. The default period is three minutes.

This setting does not apply to XProtect Web Client.

Code expires after (1-10 minutes)

Specify the period within which the user can use the received verification code. After this period, the code is invalid, and the user has to request a new code. The default period is five minutes.

Code entry attempts (1-10 attempts)

Specify the maximum number of code entry attempts before the provided code becomes invalid. The default number is three.

Code length (4-6 characters)

Specify the number of characters for the code. The default length is six.

Code composition

Specify the complexity of the code that you want the system to generate. You can select among:

  • Latin uppercase (A-Z)
  • Latin lowercase(a-z)
  • Digits (0-9)
  • Special characters (!@#...)

User settings



Users and groups

Lists the users and groups added to the XProtect system.

If a group is configured in Active Directory, the mobile server uses details, such as email addresses, from Active Directory.

Windows groups do not support two-step verification.

Verification method

Select a verification setting for each user or group. You can select among:

  • No login: the user cannot log in
  • No two-step verification: the user must enter user name and password
  • Email: the user must enter a verification code in addition to the user name and password
User details

Enter the email address to which each user will receive codes.