Video export settings

Depending on your user rights, type of server, and what has been set up on the server, certain export settings may be restricted and unavailable.

The format and settings you choose are stored and displayed next time you export.



Export name

The program automatically fills this in with the local date and time, but you can rename it.


Lists the items selected for export, for example video sequences.

For each item, you can change the timespan by clicking the start time or the end time. After selecting a new date and time, click Go To. You can also change the timespan by dragging the handles underneath the preview area.

Click an item to see a preview of the export clip in the preview area. To preview multiple items simultaneously, press and hold down the SHIFT or CTRL buttons while clicking the relevant items.

You can delete an item from the Item list by clicking the red x next to it. The red x appears when you hover over the item with your mouse. If you want to split the item into two, click the Split icon in the preview area.

Add item

Use the Add item button to select other items that you want to include in the export. Use the Remove All button to clear the list in the Item window.

Export destination

Path - when you specify a path, the folders you specify do not have to be existing ones. If they do not already exist, they are created automatically.

A path may already be suggested in this field.

Media burner - you can specify a burner that you want to send the export to. In this way, you create the export and make sure it is written directly to an optical media in one go.

Privacy mask

Click to add privacy masks to the video. The privacy masks cover the selected area with a solid, black area.

The privacy masks that you add here only apply to the current export and for the selected video. The export may already include video with privacy masks configured by your system administrator. For more information, see Privacy masking (explained).

XProtect format settings

To view exports that are created in XProtect version 2020 R1 or later, you must use XProtect Smart Client version 2020 R1 or later.



Include XProtect Smart Client – Player

Include the XProtect Smart Client – Player application with the exported data. The XProtect format can only be viewed with the XProtect Smart Client – Player.

Prevent re-export

Select this check box to prevent your recipients from re-exporting the video in any format.

Encrypt with password

Select this check box to encrypt the export using the encryption standard AES-256. When you click Start Export, the system asks you for a password that must contain at least eight characters.

Include digital signature

Select this check box to include a digital signature to your exported database. Depending on your surveillance system settings, the video or audio might already contain a signature. If this is the case, these signatures will be verified during export and if successfully verified, added to the export. If verification fails, the export for the device will also fail. When opening the exported files, the recipients can verify the signature in XProtect Smart Client – Player. See also Verify digital signatures.

If you do not include a digital signature, neither the signature from the server or the export will be included, and the export will succeed even if the video or audio has been tampered with.

Digital signatures can be excluded during the export process in two different situations:

The export process will complete, but when you verify the signatures, you will see that the digital signatures for the recording server were removed or partially OK.


Click to open the Add Comments to Export window, where you can add comments to individual cameras or to the project as a whole.

Media player format settings

The media player format allows you to export a standard video clip or audio clip that can be viewed or listened to from computers that have a standard media player installed. The computer must also have the codec installed that you use for the export.



Select content

Select if you want to export video only, audio only, or both video and audio.

Select format

Select if you want to export video in AVIClosedA popular file format for video. Files in this format carry the .avi file extension. format or MKVClosedShort for "Matroska Video". An MKV file is a video file saved in the Matroska multimedia container format. It supports several types of audio and video codecs. format.


A video codec is a particular compression and /decompression technology used when generating video files. Your choice of codec will affect the quality and size of the AVI file.

The list contains the video codecs available on your PC.

You can change the codec, but we recommend that you keep the default codec settings, unless you have a good reason to change these.

The codec that you use must be similar on the computer that you play the video clip from.

Include timestamps

Select if you want to add the date and time from the surveillance system to the exported images. The timestamp will be displayed at the top of the exported video.

Reduce frame rate

Select to reduce the frame rate for the export; every second image will be included, yet still play back in real-time.

Video texts

Click to open the Video Texts window where you can create pre- and post-texts for the AVI file. These texts will be added to all cameras for the export and displayed as still images before (Pre-slides) and/or after (Post-slides) the video.

When you perform an export in MKV format: if you have not used privacy masking in video recorded in JPEG or MPEG-4/H.264/H.265 formats, no transcoding takes place on recorded video in the export (the recorded video is kept in the original quality). In contrast, if you have used privacy masks or have recorded video using any other codec (for example MxPEG or MPEG-4 short header mode), recorded video is transcoded into JPEG in the export.