Roles (Security node)

Info tab (roles)

Available functionality depends on the system you are using. See for more information.

On the Info tab of a role, you can set the following:




Enter a name for the role.


Enter a description for the role.

Management Client profile

Select a Management Client profile to associate with the role.

You cannot apply this to the default Administrators role.

Requires permissions to manage security on the management server.

Smart Client profile

Select a Smart Client profile to associate with the role.

Requires permissions to manage security on the management server.

Default time profile

Select a default time profile to associate with the role.

You cannot apply this to the default Administrators role.

Evidence lock profile

Select an evidence lock profile to associate with the role.

Smart Client login within time profile

Select a time profile for which the XProtect Smart Client user associated with this role is allowed to log in.

If the XProtect Smart Client user is logged in when the period expires, he or she is logged off automatically.

You cannot apply this to the default Administrators role.

Allow Smart Client login

Select the check box to allow users associated with this role to log in to XProtect Smart Client.

Access to Smart Client is not allowed by default. Clear the check box to deny access to XProtect Smart Client.

Allow XProtect Mobile client login

Select the check box to allow users associated with this role to log in to XProtect Mobile client.

Access to XProtect Mobile client is not allowed by default. Clear the check box to deny access to XProtect Mobile client.

Allow XProtect Web Client login

Select the check box to allow users associated with this role to log in to XProtect Web Client.

Access to XProtect Web Client is not allowed by default. Clear the check box to deny access to XProtect Web Client.

Login authorization required

Select the check box to associate login authorization with the role. It means that XProtect Smart Client or the Management Client asks for a second authorization, typically by a superuser or manager, when the user logs in.

To enable administrators to authorize users, configure the management server's Authorize Users right on the Overall Security tab.

You cannot apply this to the default Administrators role.

Make users anonymous during PTZ sessions

Select the check box to hide the names of users associated with this role when they control PTZ sessions.

User and Groups tab (roles)

On the User and Groups tab, you assign users and groups to roles (see Assign/remove users and groups to/from roles). You can assign Windows users and groups or basic users (see Users (explained)).

Overall Security tab (roles)

Available functionality depends on the system you are using. See for more information.

On the Overall Security tab, you set up overall rights for roles. For every component available in your system, define access rights for the roles by setting Allow or Deny. When a role is denied access to a component, that component is not visible in the Overall Security tab to a user in that role.

The Overall Security tab is not available in the free XProtect Essential+.

You can define more access rights for XProtect Corporate than for the other XProtect VMS products. This is because you can only set up differentiated administrator rights in XProtect Corporate, while you can set up overall rights for a role that uses XProtect Smart Client, XProtect Web Client, or XProtect Mobile client in all products.

The overall security settings only apply to the current site.

If you associate a user with more than one role and select Deny on a security setting for one role and Allow for another, the Deny right permission overrules the Allow right permission.

In the following, the descriptions show what happens on each individual right for the different system components if you select Allow for the relevant role. If you use XProtect Corporate, you can see which settings are available only to your system under each system component.

For every system component or functionality, the full system administrator can use the Allow or Deny check boxes to set up security permissions for the role. Any security permissions that you set up here are set up for the whole system component or functionality. If, for example, you select the Deny check box on Cameras, all cameras added to the system are unavailable for the role. In contrast, if you select the Allow check box, the role can see all cameras added to the system. The result of selecting Allow or Deny on your cameras is that the camera settings on the Device tab then inherit your selections on the Overall Security tab so that either all cameras are either available or unavailable to the particular role.

If you want to set security permissions for individual cameras or similar, you can only set these individual permissions on the tab of the relevant system component or functionality if you have not set any overall permissions for the system component or functionality on the Overall Security tab.

The descriptions below also apply to the rights that you can configure through the MIP SDKs.

If you want to switch your base license from XProtect Corporate to one of the other products, make sure that you remove all security rights that are available to only XProtect Corporate. If you do not remove those rights, you cannot complete the switch.

Device tab (roles)

Available functionality depends on the system you are using. See for more information.

The Device tab lets you specify which features users/groups with the selected role can use for each device (for example, a camera) or device group in XProtect Smart Client.

Remember to repeat for each device. You can also select a device group, and specify role rights for all the devices in the group in one go.

You can still select or clear such square-filled check boxes, but note that your choice in that case applies for all devices within the device group. Alternatively, select the individual devices in the device group to verify exactly which devices the relevant right applies for.

Camera-related rights

Specify the following rights for camera devices:




The selected camera(s) will be visible in the clients.

View live

Allows live viewing of video from the selected camera(s) in the clients. For XProtect Smart Client, it requires that the role has been granted the right to view the clients' Live tab. This right is granted as part of the application rights. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Playback > Within time profile

Allows playback of recorded video from the selected camera(s) in the clients. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Playback > Limit playback to

Allows playback of recorded video from the selected camera(s) in the clients. Specify a playback limit or apply no restrictions.

Read sequences

Allows reading the sequence information related to, for example, the Sequence explorer in the clients.

Smart search

Allows the user to use the Smart search function in the clients.


Allows the user to export recordings from the clients.

Start manual recording

Allows starting manual recording of video from the selected camera(s) in the clients.

Stop manual recording

Allows stopping manual recording of video from the selected camera(s) in the clients.

Read bookmarks

Allows search for and read bookmark details in the clients.

Edit bookmarks

Allows editing bookmarks in the clients.

Create bookmarks

Allows adding bookmarks in the clients.

Delete bookmarks

Allows deleting bookmarks in the clients.

AUX commands

Allows the use of auxiliary commands from the clients.

Create and extend evidence locks

Allows the client user to:

  • Add the camera to new or existing evidence locks
  • Extend the expiry time for existing evidence locks
  • Extend the protected interval for existing evidence locks

Requires user rights to all devices included in the evidence lock.

Delete and reduce evidence locks

Allows the client user to:

  • Remove the camera from existing evidence locks
  • Delete existing evidence locks
  • Shorten the expiry time for existing evidence locks
  • Shorten the protected interval for existing evidence locks

Requires user rights to all devices included in the evidence lock.

Read evidence locks

Allows the client user to search for and read evidence lock details.

Microphone-related rights

Specify the following rights for microphone devices:




The selected microphone(s) will be visible in the clients.

Live > Listen

Allows listening to live audio from the selected microphones(s) in the clients.
For XProtect Smart Client, it requires that the role has been granted the right to view the clients' Live tab. This right is granted as part of the application rights. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Playback > Within time profile

Allows playback of recorded audio from the selected microphone(s) in the clients. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Playback > Limit playback to

Allows playback of recorded audio from the selected microphone(s) in the clients. Specify a playback limit or apply no restrictions.

Read sequences

Allows reading the sequence information related to, for example, the Sequence explorer in the clients.


Allows the user to export recordings from the clients.

Start manual recording

Allows starting manual recording of audio from the selected microphone(s) in the clients.

Stop manual recording

Allows stopping manual recording of audio from the selected microphone(s) in the clients.

Read bookmarks

Allows search for and read bookmark details in the clients.

Edit bookmarks

Allows editing bookmarks in the clients.

Create bookmarks

Allows adding bookmarks in the clients.

Delete bookmarks

Allows deleting bookmarks in the clients.

Create and extend evidence locks

Allows the client user to:

  • Add the microphone to new or existing evidence locks
  • Extend the expiry time for existing evidence locks
  • Extend the protected interval for existing evidence locks

Requires user rights to all devices included in the evidence lock.

Delete and reduce evidence locks

Allows the client user to:

  • Remove the microphone from existing evidence locks
  • Delete existing evidence locks
  • Shorten the expiry time for existing evidence locks
  • Shorten the protected interval for existing evidence locks

Requires user rights to all devices included in the evidence lock.

Read evidence locks

Allows the client user to search for and read evidence lock details.

Speaker-related rights

Specify the following rights for speaker devices:




The selected speaker(s) is visible in the clients.

Live > Listen

Allows listening to live audio from the selected speaker(s) in the clients.
For XProtect Smart Client, it requires that the role has been granted the right to view the clients' Live tab. This right is granted as part of the application rights. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Playback > Within time profile

Allows playback of recorded audio from the selected speaker(s) in the clients. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Playback > Limit playback to

Allows playback of recorded audio from the selected speaker(s) in the clients. Specify a playback limit or apply no restrictions.

Read sequences

Allows reading the sequence information related to, for example, the Sequence explorer in the clients.


Allows the user to export recordings from the clients.

Start manual recording

Allows starting manual recording of audio from the selected speaker(s) in the clients.

Stop manual recording

Allows stopping manual recording of audio from the selected speaker(s) in the clients.

Read bookmarks

Allows search for and read bookmark details in the clients.

Edit bookmarks

Allows editing bookmarks in the clients.

Create bookmarks

Allows adding bookmarks in the clients.

Delete bookmarks

Allows deleting bookmarks in the clients.

Create and extend evidence locks

Allows the client user to:

  • Add the speaker to new or existing evidence locks
  • Extend the expiry time for existing evidence locks
  • Extend the protected interval for existing evidence locks

Requires user rights to all devices included in the evidence lock.

Delete and reduce evidence locks

Allows the client user to:

  • Remove the speaker from existing evidence locks
  • Delete existing evidence locks
  • Shorten the expiry time for existing evidence locks
  • Shorten the protected interval for existing evidence locks

Requires user rights to all devices included in the evidence lock.

Read evidence locks

Allows the client user to search for and read evidence lock details.

Metadata-related rights

Specify the following rights for metadata devices:




Enables the right to see metadata devices and retrieve data from them in the clients.


Enables the right to edit metadata properties. It also allows users to enable or disable metadata devices in the Management Client and via the MIP SDK.

View Live

Enables the right to view metadata from cameras in the clients. For XProtect Smart Client, it requires that the role has been granted the right to view the clients' Live tab. This right is granted as part of the application rights.


Enables the right to play back recorded data from metadata devices in the clients.

Read sequences

Enables the right to use the Sequences feature while browsing recorded data from metadata devices in the clients.


Enables the right to export recorded audio from metadata devices in the clients.

Create and extend evidence locks

Enables the right to create and extend the evidence locks on metadata in the clients.

Read evidence locks

Enables the right to view evidence locks on metadata in the clients.

Delete and reduce evidence locks

Enables the right to delete or reduce evidence locks on metadata in the clients.

Start manual recording

Enables the right to start manual recording of metadata in the clients.

Stop manual recording

Enables the right to stop manual recording of metadata in the clients.

Input-related rights

Specify the following rights for input devices:




The selected input(s) will be visible in the clients.

Output-related rights

Specify the following rights for output devices:




The selected output(s) will be visible in the clients. If visible, the output will be selectable on a list in the clients.


The selected output(s) can be activated from the Management Client and the clients. Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

PTZ tab (roles)

You set up rights for pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras on the PTZ tab. You can specify the features users/groups can use in the clients. You can select individual PTZ cameras or device groups containing PTZ cameras.

Specify the following rights for PTZ:



Manual PTZ

Determines if the selected role can use PTZ functions and pause a patrolling on the selected camera.

Specify a time profile, select Always, or leave the default value that follows the default time profile defined on the Info tab for that role.

Activate PTZ presets or patrolling profiles

Determines if the selected role can move the selected camera to preset positions, start and stop patrolling profiles, and pause a patrolling.

Specify a time profile, select Always, or leave the default value that follows the default time profile defined on the Info tab for that role.

To allow this role to use other PTZ functions on the camera, enable the Manual PTZ right.

PTZ Priority

Determines the priority of PTZ cameras. When several users on a surveillance system want to control the same PTZ camera at the same time, conflicts may occur.

You can avoid such a situation by specifying a priority for use of the selected PTZ camera(s) by users/groups with the selected role. Specify a priority from 1 to 32,000, where 1 is the lowest priority. The default priority is 3,000. The role with the highest priority number is the one who can control the PTZ camera(s).

Manage PTZ presets or patrolling profiles

Determines the right to add, edit and delete PTZ presets and patrolling profiles on the selected camera in both the Management Client and XProtect Smart Client.

To allow this role to use other PTZ functions on the camera, enable the Manual PTZ right.

Lock/unlock PTZ presets

Determines if the role can lock and unlock preset positions for the selected camera.

Reserve PTZ sessions

Determines the right to set the selected camera in reserved PTZ session mode.

In a reserved PTZ session other users or patrolling sessions with higher PTZ priority are not able to take over the control.

To allow this role to use other PTZ functions on the camera, enable the Manual PTZ right.

Release PTZ sessions

Determines if the selected role can release other users' PTZ sessions from the Management Client.

You can always release your own PTZ sessions - without this permission.

Speech tab (roles)

Relevant only if you use speakers on your system. Specify the following rights for speakers:




Determine if users should be allowed to talk through the selected speaker(s). Specify the time profile or leave the default value.

Speak priority

When several client users want to talk through the same speaker at the same time, conflicts may occur.

Solve the problem by specifying a priority for use of the selected speaker(s) by users/groups with the selected role. Specify a priority from Very low to Very high. The role with the highest priority is allowed use the speaker before other roles.

Should two users with the same role want to speak at the same time, the first come, first served-principle applies.

Remote Recordings tab (roles)

Specify the following rights for remote recordings:



Retrieve remote recordings

Enables the right to retrieve recordings in the clients from cameras, microphones, speakers, and metadata devices on remotes sites or from edge storages on cameras.

Smart Wall tab (roles)

Through roles, you can grant your client usersSmart Wall-related user rights for theSmart Wallfeature:




Allows users to view the selected Smart Wall in the clients.


Allows users to edit the selected Smart Wall in the Management Client.


Allows users to delete the selected Smart Wall in the Management Client.


Allows users to apply layouts on the selected Smart Wall in the client and to activate the selected preset.


Allows users to play back recorded data from the selected Smart Wall in the clients.

External Event tab (roles)

Specify the following external event rights:




Allows users to search for and view the selected external system event in the clients and the Management Client.


Allows users to edit the selected external system event in the Management Client.


Allows users to delete the selected external system event in the Management Client.


Allows users to trigger the selected external system event in the clients.

View Group tab (roles)

On the View Group tab, you specify which view groups the users and user groups with the selected role can use in the clients.

Specify the following rights for view groups:




Enables the right to view the View Groups in the clients and in the Management Client. View groups are created in the Management Client.


Enables the right to edit properties on View Groups in the Management Client.


Enables the right to delete View Groups in the Management Client.


Enables the right to use View Groups inXProtect Smart Client, that is to create and delete subgroups and views.

Servers tab (roles)

Specifying role rights on the Servers tab is only relevant if your system works in a Milestone Federated Architecture setup.




Enables the right to view the selected site in the Management Client. Connected sites are connected via Milestone Federated Architecture.

To edit properties, you need Edit permissions on the Management Server on each site.

See Configuring Milestone Federated Architecture for more information.

Matrix tab (roles)

If you have configured Matrix recipients on your system, you may configure Matrix role rights. From a client, you can send video to selected Matrix recipients. Select the users who can receive this on the Matrix tab.

The following rights are available:




Determine if users and groups with the selected role can select and send video to the Matrix recipient from the clients.

Alarms tab (roles)

If you use alarms in your system setup to provide central overview and control of your installation (including any other XProtect servers), you can use the Alarms tab to specify the alarm rights users/groups with the selected role should have, for example, how to handle alarms in the clients.

Specify the following rights for alarms:




Enables the right to manage alarms, for example changing priorities of alarms and re-delegate alarms to other users, acknowledge alarms and change the state, for example from New to Assigned, of several alarms at the same time.


Enables the right to view alarms and print alarm reports.

Disable alarms

Enables the right to disable alarms.

Receive notifications

Enables the right to receive notifications about alarms in XProtect Mobile clients and XProtect Web Client.

Access Control tab (roles)

When you add or edit basic users, Windows users or groups, specify access control settings:



Use access control

Allows the user to use any access control-related features in the clients.

View cardholders list

Allows the user to view the cardholders list on the Access Control tab in the clients.

Receive notifications

Allows the user to receive notifications about access requests in the clients.

LPR tab (roles)

If your system runs with XProtect LPR, specify the following rights for the users:




Enables the right to use any LPR-related features in the clients.

Manage license plate match lists

Enables the right to add, import, modify, export, and delete license plate match lists in the Management Client.

Read license plate match lists

Enables the right to view license plate match lists.

MIP tab (roles)

Through the MIP SDK, a third-party vendor can develop custom plug-ins for your system, for example, integration to external access control systems or similar functionality.

The settings you change depend on the actual plug-in. Find the custom settings for the plug-ins on the MIPtab.