Alarm Definitions (Alarms node)

When your system registers an event on your system, you can configure the system to generate an alarm in XProtect Smart Client. You must define alarms before you can use them, and alarms are defined based on events registered in your system servers. You can also use user-defined events for triggering alarms and use the same event to trigger several different alarms.

Alarm definition settings:




By default, the alarm definition is enabled. To disable it, clear the check box.


Alarm names do not have to be unique, but using unique and descriptive alarm names are advantageous in many situations.


Enter a descriptive text about the alarm and how to resolve the issue that caused the alarm.

The text appears in XProtect Smart Client when the user handles the alarm.

Triggering event

Select the event message to use when the alarm is triggered. Choose from two drop-downs:

  • The first drop-down: Select the type of event, for example analytics event and system events
  • The second drop-down: Select the specific event message to use. The messages available are determined by the event type you selected in the first drop-down menu

Specify the sources that the events originate from. Aside from cameras or other devices, sources may also be plug-in defined sources, for example VCA and MIP. The options depend on the type of event you have selected.

Alarm trigger:



Time profile

Select the Time profile radio button to specify the time interval during which the alarm definition is active. Only the time profile you have defined under the Rules and Events node are displayed in the list. If none are defined, only the Always option is available.

Event based

If you want the alarm to be based on an event, select this radio button. Once selected, specify the start and stop event. You can select hardware events defined on cameras, video servers and input. See also Events overview. Also global/manual event definitions can be used. See also User-defined events (explained).

Operator action required:



Time limit

Select a time limit for when operator action is required. The default value is 1 minute. The time limit is not active before you have attached an event in the Events triggered drop-down menu.

Events triggered

Select which event to trigger when the time limit has passed.




Alarm Manager view

Assign either a smart map or a map to the alarm when the alarm is listed in XProtect Smart Client > Alarm Manager.

Smart map displays alarms if they are triggered by a device and if the device is added to the smart map.




Related cameras

Select up to 15 cameras to include in the alarm definition, even if these cameras themselves do not trigger the alarm. This can be relevant, for example, if you have selected an external event message (such as a door being opened) as the source of your alarm. By defining one or more cameras near the door, you can attach the cameras' recordings of the incident to the alarm.

Initial alarm owner

Select a default user responsible for the alarm.

Initial alarm priority

Select a priority for the alarm. Use these priorities in XProtect Smart Client to determine the importance of an alarm.

Alarm category

Select an alarm category for the alarm, for example False alarm or Need investigation.

Events triggered by alarm

Define an event that the alarm can trigger in XProtect Smart Client.

Auto-close alarm

If you want a particular event to automatically stop the alarm, select this check box. Not all events can trigger alarms. Clear the check box to disable the new alarm from the beginning.

Alarm assignable to Administrators

Select the check box to include users with an administrator role in the Assigned to list.

The Assigned to list is in the alarm details on the Alarm Manager tab in XProtect Smart Client.

Clear the check box to filter out users with an administrator role from the Assigned to list to shorten the list.