Define the dimension of the video in a view item

You can choose to maintain the original dimensions of the video or stretch it to fill the view item. keep the original dimensions of the video or stretch the video to fill the view item.

  1. 在工作区工具栏中,选择设置

  2. Select the view and the camera view item containing the video stream you want to adjust.

  3. On the Properties pane, use the Maintain image aspect ratiooption:

    • Select to keep the dimensions of the original video. This option may result in black space around the video.

    • Clear to stretch the video to fill the view item. This option fills the view item uniformly but may distort the video.

    To apply the same settings for all camera, hotspot, and carousel view items, define the settings for one view item, then select Apply To All in the Properties pane.

  4. 再次选择设置可退出设置模式并保存修改。