Add an overlay button to a camera view item

You can add overlay buttons关闭在将鼠标光标移至实时模式下视图中带摄像机的单独视图项目上方时,按钮会以图层形式显示在视频顶部。使用覆盖按钮时,可以触发扬声器、事件 (event)、输出,移动 PTZ 摄像机,开始记录,清除摄像机的信号等。 to your camera view items to perform tasks such as activating speakers, triggering events, or moving PTZ cameras directly from your views.

Overlay buttons appear when you move your mouse over individual camera view items in live mode.

You can add as many overlay buttons as you need.

  1. Select the view where you want an overlay button.

  2. 在工作区工具栏中,选择设置

  3. In the Overlay buttons pane, select and drag the command to the camera view item.

  4. Place and resize the overlay button.

  5. To change the text of the overlay button, double-click it, then select the check box to save your change or to discard the changes.

  6. 再次选择设置可退出设置模式并保存修改。