Show/hide the camera title bar and indicators

The camera title bar and video indicators provide useful status information (for example, recording status), but hiding them can free up space for the video.

  1. Na barra de ferramentas da área de trabalho, selecione Configuração.

  2. Select the relevant view and camera view item.

  3. On the Properties pane, under Display settings and Use default display settings, select or clear Show title bar.

  4. To apply the same settings for all camera, hotspot, and carousel view items, define the settings for one view item, then select Apply To All in the Properties pane.

  5. Selecione Configuração novamente para sair do modo de configuração e salvar suas alterações.

If you choose not to display the title bar, you won't see the visual indicators for motion and events. As an alternative, you can use sound notification.

See also View the status of live video.