Add Matrix content to a view
Matrix view items enable users to share live video feeds with each other to improve awareness and collaboration around incidents. Rules defined by your system administrator can also trigger the sharing of Matrix content when specific incidents occur..
You can add as many Matrix view items to a view as required, so that you can watch Matrix-shared video in multiple view items at the same time. The first Matrix view item you add is the primary one, the second the secondary, and so on, which determines how the video is shown. You can change the ranking when in setup mode.
Select the view.
Na barra de ferramentas da área de trabalho, selecione Configuração.
On the System overview pane, drag the Matrix item to the required view item. A Matrix icon
On the Properties pane, define the Matrix properties.
Window index: If you have more Matrix view items, select which one is the primary Matrix view item, the secondary and so forth. The primary view item shows the latest Matrix-triggered video, the secondary shows video from the previous, and so forth.
Connection settings: Select the primary Matrix view item to specify the TCP port (default 12345) and Password for transferring Matrix-triggered video from XProtect VMS server to the XProtect Smart Client view. All Matrix view items in the view inherit the settings. Contact your system administrator about which port number or password your organization uses.
Selecione Configuração novamente para sair do modo de configuração e salvar suas alterações.