Workspace toolbar

On the workspace toolbar in XProtect Smart Client, you have access to several important features that help you perform your daily tasks. These features include:


Select view Shortcut to the Views pane to the left.
Reload view Select Reload view to restore your original view.
Export Export video evidence. See also Exporting video, audio, and still images.
Evidence lock

Create evidence lock to prevent evidence from being deleted. See also Create evidence locks.

View evidence locks on video sequences. See also View evidence locks.

Retrieve data

Retrieve recordings from interconnected hardware devices or cameras that support edge storage.


Enter setup mode. See also Setup mode (overview).

Toggle full screen mode

Toggle between full screen and a smaller window that you can adjust to the size you want.

Lift privacy masks

Users with sufficient user permissions can temporarily lift privacy masksClosedA blurred or solid color that covers an area of the video in the camera view. The defined areas are blurred or covered in live, playback, hotspot, carousel, smart map, smart search, and export modes in the clients.. See also Lift and apply privacy masks.