View video and start recording from a map
You can preview video from a single camera on a map. The live video is displayed in a preview window and you can send it to a floating window.
Place your mouse pointer over a camera on a map to see a live preview from the camera.
Select the title bar of the preview window to keep the window open as a separate floating window.
To start recording, right-click the required camera and select Start recording for # minutes. Particular user permissions may be required to use this feature.
A fixed camera is displayed on the map with an associated view zone that shows the camera’s angle of view.
A PTZ camera is displayed on the map with any PTZ preset positions defined for the camera on the surveillance system. The presets are illustrated as colored angles that radiate from the PTZ camera icon. Each angle represents a particular preset. Note that the angles are very likely to need adjustment to match the camera’s preset angles. To adjust an angle, simply drag it to a suitable size and position. If a camera has more than 25 presets, no angles are initially displayed since the angles would be too small to be useful. In such cases, you can add required angles individually by dragging the presets from the required camera from the Element selector window onto the map. To go to one of a PTZ camera’s presets, simply select the preset on the map. This works in the floating preview window, on the map itself, as well as in hotspot positions. See Add a hotspot to a view. Alternatively, right-click the camera, select PTZ presets, then select the required preset.