Investigate recordings

If you know which cameras recorded the incident, you can switch directly to playback mode to investigate what happened and when.

XProtect Smart Client - investigate recordings in playback mode.

To investigate recordings:

  1. Open the view that contains the cameras of interest .
  2. Switch to playback mode .
  3. Use one of these tools:
    • A timeline track that you can drag to browse the video recordings .
    • A Go to time feature where you can enter a specific moment in time .
    • A search feature that opens the Search window from a specific camera , or from all the cameras in the view .
  4. To adjust the span of time that you are viewing, drag the time slider to the left or right .

The main timeline

The main timeline displays an overview of time periods with recordings from cameras and other devices in your current view. The main timeline is available on the views tabs and has various controls you can use to navigate your recordings during investigations or to select recording sequences for export, protection with evidence locks, addition of bookmarks, or other.

There are two timeline tracks:

  • The upper timeline track shows the recording periods of the selected camera.

  • The lower timeline track shows the recording periods of all the cameras in the view, including the selected camera.

The main timeline and timeline controls in XProtect Smart Client

Colors on the timeline tracks

  • Light-red indicates recordings

  • Red indicates recordings with motion

  • Light green indicates recordings with outgoing audio

  • Green indicates recordings with incoming audio