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Giving users access to Milestone Customer Dashboard

  1. Log in to My Milestone (https://www.milestonesys.com/my-milestone/).
  2. Select My Users in the main menu.

    If you do not have access to My Users, contact the administrator of your company’s My Milestone account.

  3. Select Add New User in the bottom-right of the User administration page.
  4. In the User details page, enter the required contact information, select the appropriate user role, then select Submit.

Define a Milestone Customer Dashboard user

As an administrator of a company’s My Milestone account, you can use the User Administration page on My Milestone to define Milestone Customer Dashboard users and their access permissions. All users have their own login credentials and are linked to your company account.

You can define two user types with different access permissions for tasks related to software licenses:

  • License User - Manages the software licenses to which you have granted permissions in order to:
    • Upload license request files (.lrq) to activate device licenses for a customer
    • Download software license files (.lic) and receive activated license files used to install and update customer installations
    • Set up Milestone Care reminders to send alerts when Milestone Care subscriptions need to be renewed
  • License Admin - Manages all software license information for all customers associated with your organization

Give access to specific software licenses

If you have the License Admin role for your company account (see Define a Milestone Customer Dashboard user), you can specify the software licenses that a user can access.

To give users access to all licenses for all customers, or only to specific licenses:

  1. Log in to Milestone Customer Dashboard (https://online.milestonesys.com/).
  2. Select Disclaimer in the bottom-left corner of the menu.

  3. In the Disclaimer dialog box, select the link to go to the legacy software registration platform.

  4. On the Software Registration tab, in the Active SLCs list, select the license.
  5. Select the icon next to Others in your organization that can see this SLC.

  6. In the SLC visibility dialog box, select the SLC is visible to check box next to the users you would like to manage the license, then select the save icon.