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Specify time for video playback

"I need to go back to an exact time and see footage around that time."

To play back video from a specific point in time, use the time picker. You can find the time picker on both the Live tab and the Investigate tab.

On the Live tab:

  1. Find and click a camera.
  2. On the camera toolbar, click to pause live video.

    The playback control bar appears.

  3. On the playback control bar, click to open the time picker.

On the Investigate tab:

  1. On the timeline bar, click to open the time picker.

    You can click and drag the time picker to change its position on the screen.


What can I do with it?

See the previous or next image (Only for the time picker on the Live tab).

Move one week backward or forward.

To specify the day, drag the days scroller to the left or to the right. The blue time indicator marks the selected date.

To specify the hour, drag the hours scroller to the left or to the right. The blue time indicator marks the selected hour.

To specify the minute, drag the minutes scroller to the left or to the right. The blue time indicator marks the selected minute.

Go to

Click to play back the video from the specified time on.


Click to return to live video (Only for the time picker on the Investigate tab).