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Access control properties

General Settings tab (Access Control)




Systems are by default enabled, meaning that they are visible in XProtect Smart Client for users with sufficient rights and that the XProtect system receives access control events.

You can disable a system, for example during maintenance, to avoid creating unnecessary alarms.


The name of the access control integration as it appears in the management application and in the clients. You can overwrite the existing name with a new one.


Provide a description of the access control integration. This is optional.

Integration plug-in

Shows the type of access control system selected during the initial integration.

Last configuration refresh

Shows the date and time of the last time the configuration was imported from the access control system.

Refresh configuration

Click the button when you need to reflect configuration changes made in the access control system in XProtect, for example if you have added or deleted a door.

A summary of the configuration changes from the access control system appears. Review the list to ensure that your access control system is reflected correctly before you apply the new configuration.

Operator login required

Enable an additional login for the client users, if the access control system supports differentiated user rights. If you enable this option, the access control system will not be available in XProtect Mobile client.

This option is only visible if the integration plug-in supports differentiated user rights.

The naming and content of the following fields are imported from the integration plug-in. Below are examples of some typical fields:




Enter the address of the server that hosts the integrated access control system.


Specify the port number on the server to which the access control system is connected.

User name

Enter the name of the user, as defined in the access control system, who should be administrator of the integrated system in XProtect.


Specify the password for the user.

Doors and Associated Cameras tab (Access Control)

This tab provides mappings between door access points and cameras, microphones or speakers. You associate cameras as part of the integration wizard, but you can change the setup at any time. Mappings to microphones and speakers are implicit through the related microphone or speaker on the camera.




Lists the available door access points defined in the access control system, grouped by door.

For an easier navigation to the relevant doors, you can filter on the doors in your access control system with the dropdown list box at the top.

Enabled: Licensed doors are by default enabled. You can disable a door to free a license.

License: Shows if a door is licensed or if the license has expired. The field is blank when the door is disabled.

Remove: Click Remove to remove a camera from an access point. If you remove all cameras, the check box for associated cameras is automatically cleared.


Lists the cameras configured in the XProtect system.

Select a camera from the list, and drag and drop it at the relevant access point to associate the access point with the camera.

Access Control Events tab (Access Control)

Event categories allow you to group events. The configuration of event categories affects the behavior of access control in the XProtect system and allows you to, for example, define an alarm to trigger a single alarm on multiple event types.



Access Control Event

Lists the access control events imported from the access control system. The integration plug-in controls default enabling and disabling of events. You can disable or enable events any time after the integration.

When an event is enabled, it is stored in the XProtect event database and is, for example, available for filtering in the XProtect Smart Client.

Source Type

Shows the access control unit that can trigger the access control event.

Event Category

Assign none, one or more event categories to the access control events. The system automatically maps relevant event categories to the events during integration. This enables a default setup in the XProtect system. You can change the mapping at any time.

Built-in event categories are:

  • Access denied
  • Access granted
  • Access request
  • Alarm
  • Error
  • Warning

Events and event categories defined by the integration plug-in also appear, but you can also define your own event categories, see User-defined Categories.

If you change the event categories in XProtect Corporate, ensure that the existing access control rules still work.

User-defined Categories

Allows you to create, modify or delete user-defined event categories.

You can create event categories when the built-in categories do not meet your requirements, for example, in connection with defining triggering events for access control actions.

The categories are global for all integration systems added to the XProtect system. They allow setting up cross-system handling, for example on alarm definitions.

If you delete a user-defined event category, you receive a warning if it is used by any integration. If you delete it anyway, all configurations made with this category, for example access control actions, do not work anymore.

Access Request Notification tab (Access Control)

You can specify access request notifications that appear on the XProtect Smart Client screen when a given event occurs.




Enter a name for the access request notification.

Add Access Request Notification

Click to add and define access request notifications.

To delete a notification, click X on the right side.

If a user of XProtect Smart Client logs into a parent site in a Milestone Federated Architecture hierarchy, access request notifications from the child sites also appear in XProtect Smart Client.

Access request notification details

Specify which cameras, microphones or speakers that appear in the access request notifications when a given event occurs. Also specify the sound to alert the user when the notification pops up.

Add command

Select which commands that should be available as buttons in the access request notification dialogs in the XProtect Smart Client.

Related access request commands:

  • Enables all commands related to access request operations available on the source unit. For example Open door

All related commands:

  • Enables all commands on the source unit

Access control command:

  • Enables a selected access control command

System command:

  • Enables a command predefined in the XProtect system

To delete a command, click X on the right side.

Cardholders tab (Access Control)

Use the Cardholders tab to review information about cardholders in the access control system.



Search cardholder

Enter the characters of a cardholder name and it appears in the list, if it exists.


Lists the names of the cardholders retrieved from the access control system.


Lists the type of cardholder, for example:

  • Employee
  • Guard
  • Guest

If your access control system supports adding/deleting pictures in the XProtect system, you can add pictures to the cardholders. This is useful if your access control system does not include pictures of the cardholders.



Select picture

Specify the path to a file with a picture of the cardholder. This button is not visible if the access control system manages the pictures.

Allowed file-formats are .bmp, .png, and .jpg.

Pictures are resized to maximize the view.

Milestone recommends that you use a quadratic picture.

Delete picture

Click to delete the picture. If the access control system had a picture, then this picture is shown after deletion.